April 13, 2017

Cheap Flights to Edinburgh

Edinburgh is the capital and second largest city of Scotland, the seventh largest in the UK, the administrative center of the same province.
In the city is Edinburgh University - one of the main higher educational institutions of the country.

Edinburgh Airport
International airport in Edinburgh, Scotland. The eighth largest airport in the UK. It is located 13 km from the city center. The owner is the British company BAA, which also own Heathrow, Gatwick and others airports.

Cheap Flights to Edinburgh
Flights Booking to Edinburgh
The districts of Edinburgh - Old Town and New City - were listed by UNESCO in the list of World Heritage sites in 1995. The average annual population in 2014 was 492,680 people.
In August, the city hosts the world's largest annual Edinburgh Festival, in which several thematic festivals are held simultaneously. During this period, the population of the city is doubled because of the influx of tourists. In general, Edinburgh attracts about 13 million tourists annually, being, thus, the second most popular (after London) tourist destination in the UK.

                      Sights to visit in Edinburgh:

Today, Edinburgh is one of the most prosperous regions in the UK. Economic recovery occurred in 1999, when the Parliament of Scotland was rebuilt, after which a large number of government institutions were established in the city, and in this regard, the growth of employment began. Currently, the unemployment rate in Edinburgh is one of the lowest in the whole country. The population of Edinburgh is gradually increasing, mainly due to the influx of emigrants from other countries and to a lesser extent due to the residents of other regions of the United Kingdom who moved to Edinburgh.

Holyrood Palace
The official residence of the British monarchs in Scotland, located in the capital of this country - Edinburgh. The name comes from the distorted Anglo-Scottish Haly Ruid ("Holy Cross"). Now the palace is used by the Queen of Great Britain during her official visits to Scotland. There is a tradition that at least one week a year the Queen spends in Holyroodhouse. Here the Queen appoints the first minister of Scotland and holds royal receptions. In his free time visiting the people of the royal family, the palace is open to visitors.

The Royal Yacht Britannia
A yacht owned by the royal family of Great Britain. 83rd royal yacht since the restoration of the monarchy in 1660. The second yacht bearing this name. As of May 2014 - ship-museum at the ocean terminal Leith in Edinburgh (Scotland). Every year it is visited by more than 250 thousand people, in addition, sometimes on its board, various events are held.

The collection includes, besides the yacht, the Rolls-Royce Phantom V belonging to the royal family in the 1960s and the small racing yacht of 1936 Bloodhound, once owned by the queen, now it is moored to the British side.

The Royal Botanic Garden of Edinburgh
One of the oldest botanical gardens in the UK. The area is 25 hectares. It was founded in 1670. The garden was founded by two scientists Andrew Balfoer and Robert Sibbald. The main purpose of their work was to study medicinal plants and train future doctors, who at that time were part-time and botanists. Throughout its history, the botanical garden has changed its location several times, to this place - to the north of the city it moved only in 1820.

Mary King's Close

Underground street in the central part of Edinburgh (Scotland), on the Royal Mile. Received its name on behalf of the homeowner Mary King (? - September 1644), the daughter of lawyer Alexander King, who had several possessions on this street.

 At the beginning of the XXI century, a complex of streets buried under the City Chambers building was opened by archaeologists. The remains of the streets were explored, cleared and museumed - after a while, in 2003, the "The Real Mary King's Close" museum was opened (the original "Dead End of Mary King"), the foundation of the exposition was the preserved buildings of the Dead End Mary King. Using real "scenery", the museum acquaints visitors with the life of Edinburgh inhabitants in the 16th-19th centuries. The museum is very popular

Princes Street Gardens
City park in the center of Edinburgh (Scotland). Located in the center of the city, occupying the lowland between the Old and New City. The park was built in the 1820s on the site of Nor Loch, an artificial lake created in the Middle Ages to protect the city from the north and to the XVIII century turned into a huge drainage. The Princes Street Gardens Park is the most famous park of Edinburgh and the most visited, Citizens, and among the guests of the city [2]. The park hosts the Ross Bandstand concert venue, which hosts various concerts and events, including a fireworks festival and a celebration in honor of the Hogmanay day.

Edinburgh Castle
An ancient fortress on the Castle Hill in the center of the Scottish capital - Edinburgh. Until recently, was at the disposal of the British Ministry of Defense. The castle is open to visitors and is the main tourist attraction of Edinburgh.

It leads to the main street of old Edinburgh - the so-called Royal Mile, on the other end of which is the Holyrood Palace.

The Scott Monument
Neo-Gothic monument dedicated to the Scottish writer Walter Scott. The monument is located in Edinburgh on Princes Street near Edinburgh-Waverley Station, named after the novel "Waverly" by Scott.

With the help of the Ticket Booking service, you will easily find the best offer and easily book flights to Edinburgh. You only need to specify the direction of the flight, the date, the number of adult passengers and children. It remains to choose the most suitable option for you and buy an air ticket for the desired flight.

Don't forget to book your ticket at DiscoverMyBusiness

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