April 11, 2017

Cheap Flights to Dublin

Dublin is City-county in Ireland, the capital of the country. It is located in the administrative county of Dublin (Lenstern province). Located at the confluence of the River Liffey in the Dublin Bay of the Irish Sea. The largest city on the island of Ireland and in the republic, occupying almost 115 km ². The main port of the country on the Irish Sea. The main center of the political, economic and cultural life of the country. The population is 506.2 thousand people (2006), with the suburbs - about 1.8 million (2011).

Dublin Airport
An international airport, located 11 km from the central part of Dublin. The airport has two passenger terminals and is the main air gateway of the Republic of Ireland and the island of Ireland as a whole. Passenger traffic is about 23.5 million people a year, of which more than 95% falls on international flights.

Cheap Flights to Dublin
Flights Booking to Dublin
In the capital of Ireland, there is almost no fuss and traffic jams, bicycles from year to year only gaining popularity, skyscrapers have not yet replaced the ancient castles, Gothic cathedrals and stone houses, and the number of parks, squares and green spaces per square kilometer beats all European records.

                                                 Dublin is worth seeing:

Despite the high status of the capital of Ireland and the main commercial port in the Irish Sea, there is absolutely no sense of a metropolis in Dublin. If in the famous Temple Bar area, where pubs come literally at every turn, after a couple of pints, hot tourists and local residents are having fun and singing late at night, then it's worth to be in a slightly less tourist part of the city, as you get the full impression that you are in Nice and cozy European province, in which life has not changed so much in recent centuries. Urban green areas such as the immense Phoenix Park - a paradise for supporters of active outdoor recreation: on the lawns as if nothing had grazed the fallow deer, vigorously chewed grass hares and beg for delicacies from tourists mischievous squirrels.

Guinness Beer Museum
One of the cultural attractions of the capital of Ireland (the most visited of the free attractions of the country in 2006, 700,000 visitors a year, only 5% of them are Irish), built in 1904. "The Brewery at the Gate of St. James" is the official name of the museum. The museum is located in a seven-story brick building, which was originally used for fermentation. In the museum there is a bar "Gravitation", a souvenir shop where you can buy sweets with a beer filling

Kilmanchem (prison)
The former prison in Dublin, is now a museum. In the XVIII - early XX centuries it was used by the British authorities to keep prisoners, including many fighters for the independence of Ireland, and also as a place of executions. Since the 1980s works as a museum.

National Museum of Ireland
Is located in the center of Dublin, Ireland. The museum building is on Kildare Street next to the building of the Irish Parliament. Among the collection of the national museum - gold prehistoric jewelry; Celtic outfits; numerous early Christian ornaments and relics; copies of art forging for metal.

St. Patrick's Cathedral
The largest cathedral in Ireland. Belongs to the Anglican Church of Ireland. The cathedral is not a bishop's department. It is headed by the dean, the most famous of which was Jonathan Swift.

Chester Beatty Library
Library and museum in Dublin.
There is an extensive collection of ancient and medieval manuscripts, old printed books and works of art, both cult and secular. Many exhibits are of Middle and Far Eastern origin. The library has many unique documents on the history of Ancient Egypt, the early manuscripts of the Bible and the Koran. The basis of the funds is a private collection of American industrialist Alfred Chester Beatty. The museum was founded in 1950, since 2000 it is located in Dublin Castle. In 2002 he was awarded the title of European Museum of the Year.

Christ Church Cathedral
The main cathedral of Dublin. Is the Department of Two Archbishops of Dublin Catholic and Anglican Church of Ireland, in fact the Catholic Archbishop uses another church - the Church of St. Mary on Marlborough Street in Dublin. The Cathedral of Christ is located in the center of the historical part of Dublin and one of the three oldest cathedrals that can be seen from the River Liffey.

Dublin Needle
A steel monument in the form of a needle, located in Dublin at the north end of O'Connell Street - the city's central street. The height is 120 meters. The Dublin needle was erected in 2003 under the project of Ian Ritchie firm on the site of a monument to Admiral Nelson blown up in 1966 by IRA fighters in the framework of the city's campaign to modernize the city center.

Best time to visit Dublin:
Dublin is often described as a gloomy rainy city. As in the case of London, the rumors are greatly exaggerated: rain falls almost as much as in New York and even Sydney. Another thing is that most of the year in the capital of Ireland is windy and rather cool: even in summer the thermometer rarely shows more than +20º. But in winter there is almost no frost, and the average temperature is kept at + 5-7º. The most popular time for a trip to Dublin, of course, is considered the middle of March, when the whole city is disguised in green during the celebration of St. Patrick's Day (March 17), and in pubs it becomes particularly fun and crowded.

With the help of the Ticket Booking service, you will easily find the best offer and easily book flights to Dublin. You only need to specify the direction of the flight, the date, the number of adult passengers and children. It remains to choose the most suitable option for you and buy an air ticket for the desired flight.

Don't forget to book your ticket at DiscoverMyBusiness

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